Home EDUCATION Covid-19 . What Should Nigerian’s believe?

Covid-19 . What Should Nigerian’s believe?


We keep hearing of cases of Covid-19 in Nigeria but one thing we have not seen so far is any visual representation of those who have been admitted in to hospital and evidence of them getting treatment. We have also being hearing of test centres and people being tested but have not yet seen any video clips of people being tested. In other climes where the corona virus is being reported we have seen video representation of people who have been affected and being treated in hospitals and have given us testimonies of how they went through the treatment for the virus.

Now many Nigerians are worried and dont know what exactly they should believe about this deadly virus called corona virus.You hear people say the virus is only affecting the rich and mighty. They are being locked in without adequate  welfare package and the little help given by individuals and corporate organisations and even government looks like is not sufficient.  The effect of continued lock down is what we have already started to see. Armed robbery, mobs and this might get worse as the lock continues to be extended.

Something needs to be done urgently so that there won’t be complete break down of law and order. The federal Government is trying their best but more still needs to be done for the people. Many are suffering and information to the people is very key. The media should be able to do more in terms of information diseminiation unless their is really nothing to inform the people. That’s is another kettle of fish.

Written by Ademola Alalade


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